latest news

Winter 2025 GOMSWG Meeting in March (TBD)

The winter 2025 GOMSWG Meeting will be held at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in Bangor, Maine. Informal discussion and presentations focus on regional population trends, research projects, and management issues. Contact with agenda items or for more information

December 2024 through February 2025

Audubon's Project Puffin and Maine Coastal Islands NWR accepted applications for seabird island technicians, interns, and contractors

Website Management

Funding for this website was graciously donated by Friends of Maine Coastal Islands NWR, a non-profit dedicated to supporting Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge and seabird conservation in the Gulf of Maine. For more information about FOMCI or to join the group, go to

FOMCI logo

Website Manager: send website content updates, corrections, or comments to

Our mission

The Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Group (GOMSWG) is a partnership between public and private organizations dedicated to restoring and protecting seabirds in the Gulf of Maine.

GOMSWG participants have worked together to guide seabird restoration on offshore islands. Two meetings are held annually to discuss conservation issues, new research findings, and the status of breeding colonies

Gulf of Maine Seabirds
Artist: Ram Papish